Trusted By Global Market Leaders

We provide quick & cost-effective
AI MVP Development Service

We specialize in delivering fast and cost-effective AI-enabled MVPs for quick market testing. Transform your ideas into market-ready products faster than ever before.

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Trusted by global institutions & market leaders

Our AI solutions are powering market leaders, as well as global & gov institutions.

Delivered AI solutions
AI consulting contracts fulfilled
Impact until Q4 2025
1.5 M
Average delivery time
21 days

Everything you need to test your AI idea

Cost Efficient

Save valuable financial resources. We focus on developing the essential AI features you need, ensuring that you get the most out of your budget while still delivering a powerful AI solution.

Time to Market

Our MVPs are designed to get your AI product to market quickly. This means you can start responding to market demands faster, and gain a competitive edge without unnecessary delays.

Risk Reduction

By validating your AI concept through an MVP, you can identify and address potential challenges early in the development process, ensuring a smoother and less risky journey.

Bespoke Solutions

For specific products, we work closely with you to understand your requirements and business goals. This customization ensures that the solution aligns perfectly with your vision.

Step {{ step }} out of 4

Step beyond basic API calls.

World-class expertise. Trusted by Market Leaders

STEAMLab Assistant: Shape Robotics și Codestage unesc expertiza educațională cu inovația tehnică

Shape Robotics, in collaboration with Codestage, a premier choice in software development within the education sector, is proud to unveil its latest breakthrough in educational technology with the launch of the groundbreaking STEAMLab Assistant. Designed to support, educate, and engage students, this state-of-the-art app combines the power of speech recognition, Text-to-Speech, object recognition, and advanced…

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Codestage Lansează o Infrastructură de Ultimă Generație și o Aplicație Mobilă Pentru cel mai Mare Furnizor de Servicii Stomatologice din România

Suntem mândri să anunțăm că am lansat cu succes o nouă infrastructură și o aplicație mobilă cross-platform pentru cel mai mare furnizor de servicii stomatologice din România, Clinicile Dentare Dr. Leahu. Acest proiect a fost o provocare majoră, dar datorită expertizei echipei noastre în cele mai recente API-uri și tehnici de dezvoltare software, am reușit să livrăm o...

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Dezvoltarea Unui Joc de Marketing Captivant pentru Pepsi, care a Atras Zeci de Mii de Utilizatori

La Codestage, împingem în mod constant limitele a ceea ce este posibil cu tehnologia și marketingul creativ. Recent, am avut ocazia să dezvoltăm un joc de marketing unic pentru promovarea Pepsi cu celebrul brand de fashion Hamza, care a folosit sunetul spațial pentru a atrage și a distra jucătorii. Jocul, care a fost conceput pentru a fi jucat atât pe desktop-uri...

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